Protective reaction of the human body, triggered by blows or destruction of tissue. It is characterized by five classic signs: pain, heat, flushing (redness), tumor (swelling) and loss of function of the affected tissue.
System of arrangement of the flowers on an axis.
Infection with the virus, which affects the airways. It is characterized by inflammation of the nasal mucosa, pharynx and conjunctiva, headache and muscle aches intense and widespread.
It is a maceration (see maceration), made with water to near boiling temperature, which, entering the plant is allowed to cool slowly set to reach room temperature.
How to administer medications in the respiratory tract. This medication should be liquid, gaseous, or if very finely divided solid go.
Set of bracts surrounding a chapter or who are at the base of an umbel.
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.