Organism that depends on another, usually more complex, to live, leaving benefited from this dependence.
Relationship in which one species lives off another, adversely affecting without actually killing it, since the need for living. The kind who will benefit is called the species affected parasite and host.
A substance capable of killing parasites.
Organism capable of causing disease or cause adverse symptoms.
Branch of medicine devoted to the study of diseases.
Relative to the chest.
Species of thin stalk that connects a flower with the main stem.
It is an extraction of medicinal substances at room temperature using a circulating fluid.
Perennial plant:
Plant capable of living more than two years, as trees, shrubs and plants developed underground stems.
Usually refers to the calyx and corolla together.
Contraction movements performed by the intestines, through which the digested solids will progress until they are expelled through the anus.
Each of the components of the inner series of segments of the corolla. They are usually brightly colored.
Pharmaceutical form:
The modular way to administer drugs to the body by using suitable excipients, achieving this way: syrups, tablets, suppositories, etc..
Individual who, after a proper university education, receiving a bachelor professional status for the drug in all its aspects: preparation, dispensing, information, method of administration, etc..
Branch of pharmacology that deals with drugs obtained from the plant world.
Science that deals with all aspects pertaining to medicine: origin, nature, chemistry, use, etc..
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.