The Lunaria minor is a very small fern. Usually measured four inches in height, although if the ground is ripe can reach a span.
It consists of an underground stem with small fibrous roots at the ends. In one hand he frond, which is divided into two distinct parts: a fertile, where the sporangia are closely packed, and some sterile which is divided into a sort of rounded leaves and serrated edges.
They are found in the northern half of Spain, especially in the Pyrenees, and the closer we get to the west becomes more scarce its presence.
It grows on mountain meadows.
You can not talk flowering time, because being a fern no flowers.
Their reproductive organs are called sporangia, which are grouped into what is called fertile part of the frond. Inside are the spores, the most used of this plant. The sporangia begin to mature in May and continue throughout the spring and even the summer, depending on the latitude you are.
The spores are collected part. It is necessary to wait to mature sporangia to collect them, so the harvest time also depends on the area where the facility is located.
Its composition is quite unknown as it has always applied as a home remedy and has been very little used in medicine. For this reason not been studied composition in laboratories.
The plant has always been used as antidiarrheal and astringent. It is also considered a good remedy for reducing heavy periods.
Formerly it was said that with a preparation of this plant is getting erect chest when he had lost the firmness by the passing years.
It also had by then that when cows grazed on pastures where was this plant, were placed in heat and run behind the bulls.
Today is a plant that is rarely used in pharmaceutical preparations.
cooking. It makes a quart of water to boil and add a handful of the plant. Let it cool and if not very pleasant taste is sweetened with two tablespoons of sugar. It takes a cup after meals, as antidiarrheal.
Poultice. You take a piece of fresh grass, crushed and placed on a cloth. Apply the preparation on his chest to hold it steady and upright.
FAMILY: Ofioglosaceas
HABITAT: Pyrenees
FLOWERING: Sporangia mature in May
CATALAN: Llunària
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.