The machicolation is a perennial herb belonging to the milkweed family. Plant is very difficult to eradicate from the land on which it is implanted, and prospering rapidly coming to dominate the entire field. Colonizes the field through its underground stems, branching in all directions. These stalks are very thick, but when the weather outside is developing rapidly, which will tangling in neighboring plants or each other.
It usually breeding in rainfed crops such as vineyards and is distributed throughout most of the country.
Flowers in summer, provided he is in good condition. Harvesting for medicinal purposes interested in the latex which flows from the leaves as soon as you cut. This latex, once removed, is coagulated at room temperature, after which a mass brownish or almost black. It finds its main virtue: that of being a powerful purgative relatively low doses.
The milky juice exudes from the leaves in a small incision is made contains cinancol, considered by experts as a mixture of cinancocerina and cinanquina. In general the plants in this family are still poorly understood in terms of its composition not in terms of its effects, as its laxative properties are known since antiquity. But nevertheless it is a species that can be used as desired. All substances with laxative or purgative effects should be used with extreme caution, since used without control can have many more disadvantages than benefits. When a person suffers from constipation, the best we can do is go to a specialist to conduct a thorough review. Most times the problem can be solved with increased fiber intake, only in certain circumstances and always under medical supervision, will be necessary to administer purgative substances. For example, some radiological examinations are given laxatives to cleanse the bowel, or else with drugs to kill intestinal worms are usually given a purgative to remove some substance in the body. But these situations should be assessed in advance by the physician, ie the best person to advise on health matters.
The latex begins to exert their laxative properties from 1-1.5 g. Do not forget to be the doctor who fixed the exact dose.
FAMILY: Milkweed
HABITAT: In vineyards
CASTILIAN: Escamonea falsa
CATALAN: Matacà, corretjola
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.