Purple loosestrife is a herbaceous perennial vine that throws every year new shoots, they will, given good ground conditions, may reach 1 or 2 feet high. The stem is erect and the leaves ovate, lanceolate and opposite, whose flowers are clustered in terminal spikes consist of compact clusters of red flowers. The fruit is a small capsule, enclosed in the calyx tube and with many tiny seeds.
It breeds near wetlands, along rivers and streams, in meadows very stuck, and so on. You can see the entire peninsula and Balearic islands.
It flowers from June onwards and even earlier in some southern areas. Used for therapeutic purposes flowering tops and sometimes leaves. Harvesting is done during the summer or late spring. The drying is done quickly in the shade and in well ventilated place.
The main components of this plant are tanning materials, glucose, sucrose, mucilage, various organic acids and a compound called fitosterina. It also contains iron salts. Plant is very astringent, highly effective in treating diarrhea as well as to combat childhood diarrhea. Also serves as a good antiseptic and slightly hemostatic, that is, capable of cutting a small hemorrhage, such as a nosebleed. In external use can be used as an antiseptic and healing.
In ancient times this plant was highly appreciated for its virtues, especially in refractory cases of diarrhea: after trying in vain with all the remedies of the time, then resorted to salicaria, which gave excellent results.
It was also claimed in the recommendations of the time it was better to take it in tea decoction, as with this last dosage form could not be obtained extracting the active ingredients in all its richness. The plant is often administered as enema, particularly in children.
Fresh sheet. To cut nose bleeds into the nose chopped fresh sheet. If bleeding is not very strong, it will stop quickly.
Poultice. Collect a handful of flowering tops and tender leaves, washed, drained and crushed, and later put on a gauze. This poultice is applied to wounds, sores and ulcers, thus favoring healing them.
Decoction. Boil for a couple of minutes 100 gr. Of flowering tops in 1 liter of water, once hardened, is placed through a linen cloth, squeezing the flowers well. With the resulting liquid washes are performed prior to bandage wounds.
Infusion for diarrhea. In a liter of boiling water poured 40 gr. Of flowering tops. After 15 minutes filter the liquid. It can manage up to 6 times a day in a large bowl. It is also possible to prepare a syrup salicaria for the treatment of infantile enteritis: for it is reduced to powder 50 gr. Of flowering tops and poured into a cup of boiling water after a day, filter the liquid and add the syrup obtained on boil 250 gr. Water with 650 gr. Sugar. The mixture should be done cold. It can take 50 gr. Of syrup per day.
FAMILY: Lythaiees
HABITAT: Banks of rivers and streams
PART USED: Tips flowering
CASTILIAN: Arroyuela, frailes
CATALAN: Estronca-sangs
GALICIAN: Salgueiriño
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.