Aquatic plant that occurs in shallow water at edge of ponds and uplands. It has a creeping rhizome, thick, fleshy, with numerous scales, embedded in the mud. The leaves, like those of a common clover, are larger and more fleshy than these, in addition with a sheath and a long stalk that allows the plant to rest on the surface of the water.
In Spain, this plant is rare and only found in certain areas of the northern peninsula, the eastern Pyrenees and Galicia, with very little presence in the rest of the country. Its existence was unknown until 1761, being thereafter once you begin to know their properties.
The harvest time is after flowering. This process is complex and that having a large fleshy leaves with water content is to dry it as quickly as possible, to avoid putrefaction processes that would prevent its subsequent therapeutic use. To prevent this, place the leaves into very thin layers, with good ventilation, and removed frequently. In this way we ensure that any part of the plant is in contact with dry air at all times, and drying, although more expensive, it is also faster. This operation is carried out in May and June, as flowering occurs in spring.
Has many applications, among others, include those of digestive tonic and bitter taste. Also used in cases of fatigue, convalescence from illness, flu, fever, migraine, abnormal female period (amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea), constipation and dyspepsia.
Its use is contraindicated during pregnancy because it can lead to serious disturbances.
Their usefulness in high doses are not recommended by their drastic purgative and emetic effect.
Infusion. Dessert teaspoon per cup, three cups a day, leaving them to be prepared in contact with boiling water for at least ten minutes.
Powder. It can take up to two or three grams a day.
Fresh plant juice. Mixed with liquid (milk, water ..) can take twenty to forty grams day.
Tincture. Prepared with a ratio of 1:5, a gram of fresh plant is mixed with five extraction fluid, usually alcohol (ethanol) of different ranks, so that all the healing properties of the plant to pass the dye. In this preparation can take one to two grams a day.
FAMILY: Bogbeans
HABITAT: Reservoirs and lakes
FLOWERING: Spring and summer
PART USED: The whole plant
CATALAN: Meniant, trèvol de aigua
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.