Water chickweed is a funny little plants that barely exceeds 40 cm. High. It is pale green and completely hairless from the base to the upper parts. The leaves are ovate form, except the wide part at the top to form a small corner. At the meeting of the leaves are born tiny bouquets of flowers, usually white. The fruit is very small and is enclosed in the cup.
It breeds wherever there is moisture: at the edge of fountains, streams, ditches, etc..
It begins to flower in May, lasting until late summer. Purposes of harvesting the whole plant medicinal care. The best time for collecting them is in spring just before flowering begins. Only leave the roots and uses the rest of the herb.
On the composition of the water chickweed little can be said, as it has not been studied in depth. It seems that contains some primaverasa, a common enzyme in other species of the same family. We also know that is very rich in vitamin C and its main virtue is to be a plant antiscorbutic. Scurvy is a disease caused by vitamin deficiency and at present is not very common, but once caused widespread epidemics. Vitamin C is undoubtedly the vitamin that has filled more pages of medical literature, the most used and popular. Chemically identical with ascorbic acid. Among its most marked effects on the body include participating in the synthesis of collagen and is therefore indispensable for the stability of connective tissue; also involved in the synthesis of steroids and helps iron absorption. These are just some of the features of this precious vitamin. No wonder, then, that man has sought since its discovery those sources that provide very useful substance. Although today is hard to find deficiencies in this vitamin, can be found in some elderly people living alone, enpedernidos smokers, alcoholics and supporters to inadequate diets.
This plant is just one example of a natural source of vitamin C. Moreover, in this case, the herb can be eaten whole, as if it were a salad, which facilitates its As already discussed, the best way to use this plant is consumed as salads. In Catalonia it is very common to eat these herbs together 2 or 3 different species we prepare delicious salads wild. Tion.
As already discussed, the best way to use this plant is consumed as salads. In Catalonia it is very common to eat these herbs together 2 or 3 different species we prepare delicious salads wild.
FAMILY: Primulaceae
HABITAT: At the edge of ditches
PART USED: Whole plant
CASTILIAN: Hierba jabonera
CATALAN: Enciamet, dolceta
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.