Thyme is a small shrub that it forms a very thick, a foot or so tall, densely populated small sheets between ovate and lanceolate form, in these few tiny dimples appear leaves stuffed with a drop of essence. In the extremities of the stems are inflorescences of 3 to 6 flowers in spikes. Most characteristic of this plant gives off an intense aroma, is a classic scent of thyme, due to a substance called thymol.
It is a plant native to Mediterranean regions. It is grown in gardens as an ornamental and aromatic plant. She often thyme in which predominates over the other plants, especially the western part of Catalonia and Aragon under.
Thyme flowers in spring, from March. For medicinal use the flowering tops are collected, they should be collected in April or May, in a day and half cloudless morning when the sun has evaporated the moisture from dew. The drying should be done in the shade and in well ventilated place. Once it is completely dry, stored in sealed bags, to avoid alterations by external agents. Throughout the summer you can make a second collection.
Thyme is multiplied from seeds sown in early April, these seeds take from 2 to 4 weeks to germinate.
The most important component is the essence of thyme, which varies greatly by the proportion that is produced by the plant, according to its nature, the country in which reared, altitude, time of collection, etc.. The maximum that can occur in the dry state is 3%. The core consists mainly of thymol. In addition to the essence, this aromatic plant contains flavonoids and phenolic acids determined as caffeic or rosmarinic.
The essence gives the plant toning properties, appetite stimulant, spasmolytic, antiseptic, expectorant and anti-fungal. Phenolic acids enhance the antiseptic action. Thyme has been used against whooping cough, chronic inflammation of bronchial asthma, stomach pain, digestive disorders and diarrhea. It has been used even as a mosquito repellent.
As long as there is a substance, remember that can result in allergic reactions, especially in children, and in excessive doses can cause convulsions. In general, it is recommended to use this substance for long periods of time.
Infusion. Prepared with a teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Do not take more than three cups a day.
Essence. One to five drops three times daily after meals. Do not exceed this dosage without medical prescription.
Decoction for external use. Add 50 g. Plant to a quart of boiling water and let boil for three minutes. Is applied as compresses, lotions, baths, mouthwashes, etc..
Besides these magisterial formulas, thyme can be found in almost any pharmaceutical form, both herbalists and pharmacies, alone or forming part of composite presentations.
FAMILY: Labiatae
HABITAT: Catalonia and Aragon under
PART USED: Sumidad florida
CASTILIAN: Tomello, tremoncillo
CATALAN: Timò, faringola
BASQUE: Elharr
GALICIAN: Tomentelo
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.