The broom is a tall shrub, woody and bare in its lower parts. The younger branches are angled and herbs, also with few leaves, the flowers usually come one at a time and have a bright golden yellow, the fruit is a pod strongly flattened, hairy on the edges prolonged. Both branches and leaves taste like grass, but then left much bitterness.
This broom is little breeding ground limestone around the country, particularly in the north of the peninsula and in some high mountain areas.
According to the altitude where the shrub is, can bloom from April to July. Collection of interest for therapeutic purposes aerial parts, although there are contradictions in this respect: some say that the only part of the plant that deserves to be used is the flower, as in the rest of the shrub only found an alkaloid, sparteine , properties are still unclear.
Indeed, throughout the shrub-like flowers both branches, leaves and root-alkaloid found a liquid, thick texture and taste quite bitter, called sparteine. Besides this substance, two alkaloids are less concentrated: sarotamnina and genistein. The main alkaloid found amount varies widely depending on the time of year you analyze. Has been shown to remain stable from November to February, in March begins to increase and continues to grow until the time of peak flowering.
In addition to these alkaloids also found a glucoside in fruits and some melanin.
As to its pharmacological actions, it seems beyond doubt that the flowers have a diuretic action, this translates into an intense action antiedematous, useful in dropsy caused by the retention of chlorine. Also widely used drugs after treatment with digitalis and the acute respiratory diseases as pleurisy, pneumonia and bronchopneumonia. The actions on the heart are not entirely clear.
Infusion. Obtained from the flowers. Are added to a quart of boiling water 25 gr. Broom flower, let it cool and take 2-4 cups throughout the day. The results will not wait and immediately antiedematous achieve the desired effects. For all the flowers retain their power, must be collected as follows: just take the whole flowers wilted and not make a rapid and uniform drying. Once dry, store them away from light and moisture.
FAMILY: Legumes
HABITAT: Siliceous soils Forests
FLOWERING: April and July
PART USED: Aerial part
CASTILIAN: Retama de escobas
CATALAN: Ginestell
BASQUE: Zarika
GALICIAN: Xesta brava
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.