The broom is a shrub up to 2 m. High, but sometimes can double this time if he survives snow and high winds typical of the areas it inhabits. Regarding its morphology, is a plant mostly hairless, short thick strain; casts a relatively long stems, with numerous rosette leaves at the base. The flowers are a bouquet prolonged terminal.
One grows in very sandy, with little lime and sufficient moisture. Where it can more easily find it on the slopes, cuttings and embankments of the sun, escaping from the shadow almost always.
It blooms from May to July. Normally, for the feast of Corpus Christi is at its best. In his collection are interested in flowers and seeds. Once harvested, are dried in the shade or in dryer at temperatures below 40 grados CelsiusC.
The main component of all organs is the alkaloid called cytisine, whose properties resemble those of nicotine and strychnine. This alkaloid is highly toxic. It is a plant very active as a laxative, purgative and in turn little known in depth. To achieve these purposes should be raw, cooked as if the active ingredients are destroyed, but at the same time it should be noted that when eaten raw are frankly unpleasant side effects. Although grass has been worn and still remains so today, the therapeutic arsenal of any country has equally effective remedies and carry fewer side effects, so its use is restricted to cases where there is no other choice. The emetic properties of this plant are fully proven and have been known for hundreds of years. In our day and a plant is forgotten, if ever someone decides to use it again, you must remember to do so under strict medical supervision. It is also important to remember that the alkaloid cytisine is toxic in doses as low as 5 mg., What fans should not forget to try new remedies, such as these extremely small amounts can be found in just a few flowers or seeds.
As we mentioned in the previous section, the alkaloid is active at very low doses, so it's hard not to suffer its toxic effects in a home preparation. It is best to use the alkaloid isolated once, what is needed for personnel.
FAMILY: Legumes
HABITAT: In slopes and embankments
FLOWERING: May and June
PART USED: Flowers and seeds
CASTILIAN: Gallomba, retama de olor
CATALAN: Ginestera
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.