The jujube is a small thorny tree height, with many branches zig-zag. Besides having a long-branches that are shaping the tree casts some small branches that flow in winter. The flowers are small, greenish yellow, and grow clustered in the axils of the leaves. Are star-shaped.
The jujube tree grows in gardens and cultivated land from Aragon and Catalonia to the Algarve in Portugal. It comes from the East, but was brought to the Mediterranean countries to be cultivated since ancient times.
Flowers in summer and the fruits ripen with the onset of autumn. Collection of interest for therapeutic purposes the fruit, leaves and bark of the branches.
In the fruits we can find up to 10% tannins, glucosides, vitamin C and abundant mucilage. In the bark tannins have also (though less) and leaves found glycosides, tannins and some rare acids such as hydrogen zizífico. These compositions confer different properties to each part of the plant: the fruit is mainly demulcent and vitamins, the bark is astringent and is widely used as antidiarrheal and leaves, besides being astringent-have properties that lower the sugar level blood. Therefore, fruits, bark and leaves are used primarily in the treatment of diarrhea, specifically the fruit being used in states of convalescence and mild diabetes leaves.
In external use the bark and leaves are used in pharyngitis, vaginitis, eczema and sores.
The fruit called jujube-can-eat fresh and have a mild laxative effect due to its large amount of mucilage. You can also dry out.
Decoction. It is prepared from the leaves and bark. With the dose of a dessert spoon per cup, boil for 5 minutes and take 4 to 6 cups a day.
For external use. The same previous decoction can be used in compresses, rinses, washes, etc.. Only preparation will be more concentrated.
Fruits. The fruits are taken directly, once washed, and exert a mild laxative effect. There is nothing tasty and are digested with difficulty, so not very recommendable.
FAMILY: Raminaceas
HABITAT: East, and Spain Catalonia and Aragon
FLOWERING: June and July
PART USED: Fruits, leaves and bark of the branches
CATALAN: Ginjoler
BASQUE: Belkaranki
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.