It is a tree known from archaic cultures, but well into the twelfth century is not curative properties as previously only using his wood.
Can reach thirty feet high, the bark is a whitish-silver. We can find examples of this tree in almost all of northern Spain and in some areas high-above 1000 meters about sea level, in the southern half of the peninsula. In Portugal, curiously, is cultivated at lower altitude.
Young branches tend to be falling, penduleantes, with one end which has a warty that make them rough to the touch and to be the Latin name for "Betula verrucosa.
Within the same tree are male flowers and female flowers, separate and distinct, they are a yellowish green and flowering occurs curiously before leaving the leaves in the months of April and May, being able to observe a male catkins that after accomplish the mission pollination, fall down, the women, meanwhile, are retained to form the fruit.
The collection is made in the spring, raking leaves, which is the part to use, and carrying out the drying in the shade below 40 degrees C in well ventilated areas.
It is used practically the whole plant: the flower, sap, bud, leaves and bark of young branches. The leaves are high in flavonoids (such as miricitrina) that are responsible for their strong diuretic action, being used in cases of urinary disorders such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, calculi, oliguria and dropsy.
If you look carefully at the leaves, observe the presence of essential oils, an example is the betulinol, containing a certain febrifuge action so their use as antipyretic good results. The essence of itself acts as an antiseptic and healing, so it can be used in certain types of infections. The principle of this aromatic essence betulábico acid.
Tannins found in the cortex, the proportion may vary between 10 and 20% and gives an astringent and choleretic action, being used in biliary dyskinesias.
The sap is diuretic and antirheumatic, as used in the process of gout and rheumatism.
Infusión de las hojas. Are added 35 grams of leaves to one liter of water, leaving them in contact with water boiled from the heat for ten minutes to reach 40 grados CelsiusC was added one gram of sodium bicarbonate, thereby increasing their effectiveness. You can take a total of three cups a day.
FAMILY: Betulaceae
HABITAT: Shores of northern
FLOWERING: April and May
PART USED: Flower, leaf, bud, sap and bark
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.