The zumillo is a root plant with a thick, whitish, turnip-shaped and deeply driven into the ground. Usually reached about one meter high, but sometimes may exceed this height. Its stem is sturdy, smooth and sleek. The leaves arise from the base of the plant and are large, are divided into many segments and are covered with abundant hair. The leaves are born throughout the stem, and are smaller the higher they are.
This little plant grows in thick forests and thickets. It also grows in arid slopes of hills and lowlands, low altitude mountains. It is found in most of the Peninsula and the Balearics.
The flowering season covers the months of May, June and July. The flowers are born at the end of the stalk form a sort of umbrella for at least a dozen stations. They consist of five yellow petals, stamens and pistil. At the sides of the stem also born flowers, although they consist only of stamens and wither away.
The fruit is elliptical in shape and yellowish color, like the flower. It is divided in half as wide as the fruit itself.
The root portion is collected and the resin is also collected from the trunk.
The root and its resin are used as purgatives and emetics violent, but this application is not advisable and is too dangerous to take this plant as a home remedy without consulting a doctor.
In the region of La Segarra, Catalonia, was used against scabies. The root bark, infused in oil, is applied to combat rheumatism and is often used as a poultice to apply directly to the area affected by pain.
In the province of Salamanca is used to restrain the cracks in the hooves of a horse. Also used in Catalonia, the fishermen who use their adverse effects on fish, which stuns, which greatly facilitates their work.
Infusion. You have to take 2 gr. Zumillo in a bowl of boiling water and after standing for five minutes. It takes half bowl in the morning and half at night. It is a good remedy for constipation, but it is convenient to take this preparation without a prescription, since use of this plant produces drastic effects, ie it is dangerous.
Poultice. Infused bark zumillo in oil for some time and the resulting preparation is a poultice that is applied externally on the area affected by rheumatism.
FAMILY: Umbelliferae
HABITAT: Forests little thick
FLOWERING: May, June and July
PART USED: Root and resin
CATALAN: Croca, herba santa
BASQUE: Bermidorr
GALICIAN: Pancierva
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.