The vulneraria is a perennial plant belonging to the legume family. It is a small grass-covered top to bottom with a fine hair, has a keen following that continues for an upright stalk alternate leaves which they leave. The flowers are grouped in heads and are of a yellowish color.
The plant grows throughout the peninsula, both in coastal and mountain. It is easy to see in meadows, rocky hillsides and dry hills. In our Peninsula are numerous varieties of grass, all with very similar morphology.
They bloom in spring in some areas although flowering is delayed until June, especially in mountain areas. For medicinal purposes interested in aerial parts, especially the capitate. Harvesting is done by hand, at the beginning of flowering, flower heads are collected, without stalks, neglecting those that are wilted. Once dried, stored in airtight jars or bags because the moisture the spoils.
As its name suggests, the plant is very effective in healing sores and wounds. It is also an herb popularly used as a cleanser and anti-emetic and is also a mild laxative effect. In terms of chemical composition, are tannins and saponins and mucilage and flavonoids. Also two pigments are extracted from flowers, one blue and one red.
Formerly vulneraria consumed in certain areas as a coffee substitute, for it was mixed with raspberry leaves and flowers of blackthorn. While it lacks stimulant properties, this substitute does have an excellent aroma as well as being purifying.
Infusion for internal use. Three large tablespoons or so per 250 ml. Of water allowed to stand for 15-20 minutes, on a whim and is sweetened drink in small cups throughout the day. This infusion stimulates the body. If you take nothing else prepared, may have some laxative effect.
Infusion for washing. It is the primary use of the plant. To prepare collected 3 or 4 handfuls of the plant and added to a quart of boiling water. This infusion, once warm, embed or cotton pads and applied locally on ulcers and wounds several times a day. In addition to promoting healing has significant cooling properties.
It vulneraria infusion may be useful in eczema, boils, diseases of the mouth and any type of wound discomfort. It is a toxic plant, or at least does not seem to have produced no toxicity, but must always be cautious of using any remedy and, if possible, leave the preparation of the formulas in the hands of skilled personnel.
FAMILY: Legumes
HABITAT: All Peninsula
PART USED: Aerial parts
CATALAN: Vulneraria
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.