The common clover is an herb belonging to the legume family, so numerous that has more than 11,000 species of trees, bushes, shrubs and herbs distributed throughout the world. Characterized mainly by its fruit, known as a vegetable. This family includes a great number of agricultural important species such as common bean, lentils, etc.. Are also common alkaloids, some quite toxic.
Clover grows in Europe and North Africa, meadows and pastures, especially when the soil is very chalky; in Spain is easily found in abandoned fields.
The grass flowers in May and June, to be useful therapeutic whole flowering plant. For your collection is expected at the beginning of flowering, once collected, spreads in thin layers in the shade and in a well ventilated, it is very important to dry thoroughly. The drying process can also be done in specialized dryers, where process conditions are standardized.
This clover flowers contain a glucoside called trifolina addition of tannins, glycosides, organic acids and pigments. In the leaves has shown the existence of asparagine and many other compounds such as tyrosine, xanthine, protein and sulfur compounds. Traditional medicine used to cure clover respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, cough and hoarseness. In the countries of Central Europe was used to regulate the functions of constipation, poor appetite, liver problems, etc..
In our country really only used this plant to treat an eye condition called cataracts, and in the twelfth century St. Hildegard tells us about his book of remedies, noting the use of clover for treating "obfuscation of sight"-but there doubts it could be another similar plant.
Finally, we must add that this plant has diuretic properties conferred asparagine.
Decoction. Boil in water 4 to 6 teaspoons of flowers, leaving for 10 minutes. Once filtering is taken throughout the day in small sips.
External application. It is used in baths and compresses, for skin diseases.
The clover is also part of numerous mixtures of chest and stomach use, also play an important role not only as medicine but also as an excipient, to act as a connector of taste and smell of the preparations.
FAMILY: Legumes
HABITAT: Abandoned fields
PART USED: Flowering plant
CASTILIAN: Trébol pratense, trébol común
CATALAN: Trifoli o trifoli de prat
BASQUE: Irukusta, igorri
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.