Rue is an interesting species from the medical point of view. It is a perennial plant with a thickened stem that year after year and every year leaving new shoots reach 40-60 cm. High. The flowers are lemon yellow and showy bouquets are terminals. The fruit is a capsule containing many black seeds. The whole plant gives off an unpleasant odor, making it unmistakable.
Originally from Asia Minor, its cultivation spread rapidly throughout the Mediterranean and its characteristic smell that our ancestors did notice her and their potential therapeutic uses. Nowadays it is easy to find in land uncultivated, it does not require special harvest conditions.
The crude flowers in spring and summer. For its medicinal use are harvested flowering tops, which should be cut along with the lower leaves. When renewing a plant fairly quickly, you can make multiple harvests per year. The branches, once cut from the strain, extend over hurdles in a well ventilated and away from the sun, or drying at a temperature not exceed 30-35 grados CelsiusC. Harvesting should be done with half-open flowers, as it is during this period that has more active ingredients.
The main component extracted from this plant is a glycoside called routine that is mostly found in the leaves. It also removes a colorless or slightly yellow essence of intense and extremely unpleasant odor.
The virtues of this plant stem mainly from the action of the routine which is capable of increasing the strength of blood capillaries, preventing its rupture and subsequent bleeding that might occur. Plant is also rich in vitamin C, but only to combat scurvy is used to prevent cases where we need to strengthen capillaries.
The essence is emmenagogue action, ie accelerator of menstruation, but could be abortive, as it exerts a powerful action on the uterus. It is a highly toxic substance that must be handled carefully, because in case of poisoning may appear hemorrhage, mental confusion, digestive problems and even death can occur if the dose is excessive.
Other properties of the rough are those relating to actions has antispasmodic, and anthelmintic sudorific, but these properties are not as important nor as intense as the first.
Infusion of rue. To facilitate menstruation. Prepare a small handful of rue in a cup of boiling water. It can take up to 2 cups a day.
Poultice. For abscesses and boils. To do this we need the fresh plant. Is crushed and placed on the abscess, covering it with gauze.
The essence is not recommended except under medical prescription. Other ways to manage rough is in form of powder, fluid extract, tincture and infusion also for external use, but always under control of authorized personnel.
FAMILY: Rutaceae
HABITAT: Asia Minor
FLOWERING: Spring and summer
PART USED: Sumidad florida
CASTILIAN: Ruda fétida
CATALAN: Ruda de paret
BASQUE: Moskatxa, albortusai
Fort Antihemorroidal, Fort Antivaricose, Moderate Emenagogo.
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.