Large tree, majestic, wooden quite hard and very prized in the manufacture of building elements.
Its trunk is thick, short and with a grayish bark on young branches is one whole, for that same bark oldest branches appears cracked and wrinkled.
The leaves, without any hairs, have a dark green color of the beam-which looks up-that turns green in the back-side of the sheet that is oriented towards the earth.
The fruit is a classic acorn hanging from the branches through a kind of rope long enough and contain 50% starch and sugars, fat and tannins.
It blooms in spring.
The collection is made from the bark on the trunks of young trees, not more than 20 years of age, with the optimum age of 15. This operation is carried out in spring when parts are obtained with a thickness of about three millimeters, which are rolled on themselves. The outer surface is grayish hue, reddish or brownish and the interior. They are odorless and party splintering.
For its high content of tannic acid is used as an antidiarrheal, administered orally, but this same abundance of tannic acid can cause gastritis, causing vomiting in sensitive individuals, so it is more advisable to .- Infusion. 2 grams of leaves for each cup, leaving him in contact with boiling water for 10 minutes can be given up to three times a day.
Bark powder. In capsule form it may take 3 grams a day.
Mouthwashes. 15 grams of cortex per liter of water, letting it boil for 10 minutes. This same preparation can be used as a gargle.
Lavados. 70 grams of bark in each liter of water, letting it boil for 10 minutes. It acts as an astringent on wounds, ulcers ... Tion after meals. Also for copious tannin has been used since ancient times for tanning leather.
For external route, your application will be used to offset wounds, hemorrhoids, eczema and burns.
It also has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antipyretic, so it is appropriate in cases of pharyngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, and vaginitis.
It also acts as a hemostatic in cases of nosebleeds, stomach, and even in functional uterine dysmenorrhoea.
Infusion. 2 grams of leaves for each cup, leaving him in contact with boiling water for 10 minutes can be given up to three times a day.
Bark powder. In capsule form it may take 3 grams a day.
Mouthwashes. 15 grams of cortex per liter of water, letting it boil for 10 minutes. This same preparation can be used as a gargle.
Lavados. 70 grams of bark in each liter of water, letting it boil for 10 minutes. It acts as an astringent on wounds, ulcers ...
FAMILY: Fagaceae
HABITAT: Northern Peninsula
PART USED: Bark and fruits
BASQUE: Aritz zuri
GALICIAN: Roble alvarinho
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.