This lichen grows on the ground extending through the trees or logs and felled trees.
It consists of large sheets of fairly uneven. The color varies according to the area where you are, if it is in humid zone acquires a whitish color, but on dry land becomes much more brown. As we approach the end of this plant lobes are becoming smaller and narrower.
It is found throughout the Iberian Peninsula, although strongest in the north than in the south.
It breeds in all types of forests, but is more commonly found among oaks and beeches.
It is incorrect to speak of flowering time, because being a lichen has no flowers.
Like all lichens, is a body double nature has a part that is fungus - the predominant-and one that is the nature of the algae.
As the fungus the dominant form, implements its way of reproduction, so the pulmonary tree reproduces by spores that can grow all year round. The reproductive organs are quite complex and are usually arranged in a disc called apothecia.
The part used is the spores that, as found throughout the year can be harvested at any time.
What stands out most is that its composition is capable of producing acid estictínico. It is also striking its bitter taste, which makes it necessary to sweeten preparations are done with this plant.
It is considered from many years ago as a good remedy for coughs and colds. It was used in all kinds of diseases of the respiratory organs, as it was said that due to lung appearance was a great remedy to heal the lungs and diseases resulting therefrom.
Currently it is still used, though to a lesser extent, to combat lung problems.
cooking. They get about 30 grams. Of pulmonary tree to cook in a pint of water. Let it boil for twenty minutes. Before taking it should be strained to remove all traces of the plant. Normally it is desirable to sweeten with honey or sugar as its flavor is too bitter and not very pleasant. It takes three cups a day before meals, and as hot as possible to increase their impact. It is widely used in this way to relieve chronic colds.
Sometimes there is another type of plants to be prepared to increase its effects.
FAMILY: Estictaceas
HABITAT: On trunks of beech and oak in northern
FLOWERING: Mature their spores all year
CASTILIAN: Pulmonaria arbórea
CATALAN: Herba freixurera
Fort Expectorant, Moderate Mucolítico, Balsamic Moderate.
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.