The poligonato is a herbaceous perennial, white underground stems and not very thick, which run shallow, horizontal to the ground. For certain swellings and scars that appear in this rhizome, we can deduce the age of the plant. The floriferous stem has a stem angular, which tear leaves elliptic obtuse, entire margins, without stem and arranged in two rows along the stem. The flowers are very showy, greenish white, usually coupled on a common tail.
This herb grows among oak trees, in mountain areas. It's easy to find in the Peninsula, except in the drier and arid desertified.
The poligonato flowers in spring. From a therapeutic point of view, interested in the rhizome, which can be harvested at any time of year. It is not difficult to find this rhizome, as it is very characteristic of his scars and swellings, these scars are the remnants left when flowering stems, once dry, they were peeling. To count the years that have a particular arm of rhizome, we need one year for each scar.
The rhizome of asparagine and poligonato contains mucilage, which, if broken by hydrolysis, provides fruitful, glucose and arabinose. Saponins have also been found and according to some authors, there is a glycoside cardiotonic properties.
In folk medicine, the rhizome has many applications: a major has been as antidiarrheal and many other intestinal ailments. Has also been used for gout, rheumatism and as a diuretic in general. Has applications externally to treat bruises, which is the blood flow inside the tissues, forming a small hemorrhagic spot. Other more serious applications that have been given include its use to combat diabetes, especially when this is foodborne. Finally, in veterinary medicine, the rhizome, cut into small pieces and mixed with feed, coughing serves to combat cattle. This is justified by the presence of saponin in the rhizome.
Overall it is a plant of great popular support, albeit modest effects.
Infusion. Prepared by adding a small amount of rhizome poligonato a cup of boiling water. It takes 2 to 3 cups a day along with meals.
Poultice. Rhizome is crushed to reduce it to mush, this is prepared with a poultice that is applied directly to the diseased skin.
Liquor poligonato. Along with juniper, Fresnillo, cinnamon and mint, is preparing a liqueur of brandy that is reserved for when food is heavy or when it appears bellyache. Not be recommended over a glass.
FAMILY: Liliaceae
HABITAT: Mountains
PART USED: Rhizome
CASTILIAN: Sello de Salomón
CATALAN: Beatamaria
GALICIAN: Soldaconsolda
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.