Few plants are known in the world as the potato, at least in regard to the tuber. Since its introduction in Spain brought from the Americas, its use has greatly popularized so much so that today is inconceivable without eating potatoes in any of its many varieties. Even one of the most typical Spanish dishes, Spanish tortilla, is made from chips and breaded in egg.
One grows in gardens and dry fields throughout the Peninsula and the Balearics. Currently there are more than a thousand varieties or races of this species, obtained mainly by mutations and hybridizations from natural strains.
Flowers in spring and summer, according to the different locations. The question that concerns not only for their food value but also for its medicinal properties, is the tuber. This is harvested between April and November, although there are many varieties and many kinds of crops that it is premature to harvest dates. What matters is that you can dispose of potatoes all year round.
The potato contains abundant starch, minerals, trace elements and tannins. Also found vitamins B and C. In the stems and leaves have been found alkaloids, one of which (the most abundant) is solamina. This active ingredient increases when plant greening, either by sunlight or to germinate. This alkaloid is toxic and can cause problems if ingested, hence the green parts of potato (leaves and stems) should be discarded. There are many known cases of poisoning, but should be careful. Ingestion may cause gastroenteritis, vomiting and respiratory depression. Tubers in this alkaloid is not found, or if it does, is in trace amounts, insufficient to cause intoxication.
As for the virtues of the potato, it is said that is a good antacid, indicated in cases of gastritis, peptic ulcer, or just heartburn. Of course, this is a highly nutritious food, which combines with almost everything. The only precaution to be taken into account is not to abuse it if you tend to get fat, let alone fried, or otherwise face the consequences.
Fresh juice. Juice is extracted by mechanical potato. The usual dose established to act as an antacid is 100-150 cc. Juice, 3 or 4 times a day.
Powder. Grated potato, put in the form of ointment or poultice, can be used topically on burns, eczema or any syndrome accompanied by itching.
Boiled, fried, grilled or otherwise is good food and the best way to use this tuber American.
FAMILY: Solanaceae
HABITAT: Chilean and Peruvian Andes
FLOWERING: Spring and summer
CASTILIAN: Papa, papa americana
CATALAN: Trumfera
BASQUE: Lusagarr
Antacid Strong, Food rich in salts and vitamins B and C Moderate.
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.