The caterpillar is a small annual herb belonging to the cruciferous family, which consists of annual or perennial herbaceous plants, spread the warm countries, temperate and cold almost the entire globe. It is an herb that looks like a fern in the shape of their leaves, although these are much smaller and are deeply divided. The flowers are small, spurs at the base and a yellowish white color. The fruit is a round capsule filled with tiny seeds ovoid, dark and very uneven surface.
One grows behind walls and rocks, slightly moist shady places almost the entire country, but is distributed differently by region. It is most commonly found in the eastern half of the peninsula.
It blooms throughout the spring and summer, well into the fall, although in warmer countries are flowers all year. Collection mainly interested in its seeds, which should be harvested when the plant is flowering and the fruit is about to open.
The plants in this family do not produce alkaloids, and if they do it in minute quantities, so not worth paying much attention. The most important thing is that the caterpillar produces large amounts of glycosides, some of them highly active and very toxic drug, especially if used in a home, without the consent of medical staff. From the composition of this plant is not much else is known as the data we do have are very old and thus unreliable. Is known to contain some acids such as tartaric acid, tannic and snapdragon. The rest of its components can not say much more. As for his virtues, it has been always considered a good choice as antiscorbutic, disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C or ascorbic acid. The reason for using this herb to resolve this major deficiency lies in its sweetness rather than its composition, it is not known to contain significant amounts of this vitamin. Other uses that have been given is as a stimulant and diuretic, but without much activity. In this genre there are some species more marked properties, so the caterpillar is now rarely used.
As there is a plant widely used, there is little information in their popular uses. Generally, seeds are rarely used. The virtues of this plant are very similar to the mustard and can be administered just like her.
FAMILY: Crucifer
HABITAT: A roadside
BASQUE: Bekarki
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.