The sea is an herb caterpillar often branching, with branches that stretch out easily and a long-branched root and stiff. The entire plant is hairless and glaucous. The leaves are scattered and very fleshy; are divided into three or four pairs of segments that reach very deep vein in the middle of the road. The flowers are prolonged in bunches as they arise and open new flowers at the ends of the branches.
It grows on coastal dunes, in both seas.
This herb is flowering all year. Harvesting for medicinal interest stems and branches. Harvesting can be done at any time of year, taking advantage, as we have said, any green part of the plant. This is usually used fresh, because what matters is the juice extracted from green parts.
The caterpillar marine contains significant amounts of vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid. It is also quite rich in sulfides, phosphates, etc.., And stems can find up to a third of its weight in juices, which houses the main virtues of the plant.
It is mainly used against scurvy, by a large amount of available vitamin C in fresh plant raw taken. It is estimated that the juice extracted by crushing freshly picked leaves and straining the juice previously sweetened with sugar is a good remedy for bronchial colds. Also externally, is an effective remedy and healing.
In fact, this plant has little application from a medical standpoint. Formerly, when scurvy was a major epidemic that decimated the population, any remedy that would alleviate this situation was used without further. Nowadays, this disease - which is due to an insufficient supply of vitamin C-only occurs in the population, so these home remedies ceased to be useful and almost all have been relegated to some old home recipe.
Juice. As we discussed in the previous section, the fresh juice prepared to individual taste which is an inexhaustible source of vitamin C. Remember that it is better to use the newly collected plant because it is then that is richer in active ingredients. If you can not have the fresh plant can be prepared in the same way, though logically have less juice.
FAMILY: Crucifer
HABITAT: In the sands of the coast
FLOWERING: Most of the year
PART USED: Stem and branches
CASTILIAN: Ruca de mar
CATALAN: Rave de mar
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.