Herbaceous plant reaching its full development reaches to a meter high. Each year new shoots form that harden over time, more on the bottom, reaching a final thickness reaching up to 8 inches; in this area, once thickened, there is a loss of leaves. The leaves usually are numerous and are distributed along the stem. They have a characteristic shape reminiscent of ancient metal spears. They bind to the stem without the intervention of the petiole.
Flowering occurs from April to July, depending partly on the height above the sea level where this species is developed, the maximum height where we can find is 1500 meters in the valleys of the Pyrenees.
The flowers are small and whitish in color, are arranged in clusters that are as small branches and is located on the top of the stem. The corolla is small size. Stamens has the number of five-glued to the corolla.
The fruit consists of four egg-shaped granite, which upon reaching maturity have a pearly white. In reality it is difficult to find a plant with four fruits, because its development is often caused the loss of any of them, being the most common finding fewer.
In its composition are phenolic substances made up of three molecules of caffeic acid, rutin, quercetin and mucilage. In former times it was used to remove foreign bodies introduced into the eye, thanks to its large amount of mucilage: that, once applied on the eyes, wet, forming a sticky film that adhered to any foreign body, with so that their elimination was much faster. In animals was used as a contraceptive and decreasing androgen and estrogen secretion.
Has also been used to remove kidney stones and gallstones.
Currently used as a diuretic, with good results in urinary calculi, rheumatism and gout.
Infusion. Cinco gramos de la planta entera se añaden a un litro de agua, preparándose una infusión que se deja durante diez minutos en contacto para filtrarlo a continuación; de este preparado se pueden tomar tres tazas al día.
FAMILY: Boraginaceae
HABITAT: Margins of orchards
PART USED: Whole plant
CASTILIAN: Granos de amor
CATALAN: Mill gruà
BASQUE: Artatxiki
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.