Bugleweed is a perennial herb belonging to the family of Labiatae. It has an erect stem, square, elliptical leaves, opposite and deeply toothed, whose armpits sprouting odd whorls with small purple flowers.
It breeds mostly in the edges of streams, ditches and any area where the soil retains some moisture. It's easy to find throughout the peninsula, especially in areas rich in nitrogen. This plant was widely used during the Middle Ages to cure malaria.
Bugleweed blooms in summer. For therapeutic purposes is used throughout the plant. To pick the tops, is crafted in the time of full bloom, the stalks are spread in thin layers over hurdles and allowed to dry in well ventilated place or drier, but not exceeding 35 grados CelsiusC.
In composition we find a bitter glycoside called lycopene, small amounts of substance and some acids such as malic and tannic. It is also a plant rich in minerals. Formerly served bugleweed to treat thyroid hormone hypersecretion, their high concentration of fluoride salts, as these have antithyroid action, antagonizing thyroxine by slowing the supply of iodine.
We know that this herb has some tannins which have an astringent action and prevent bleeding. For strongly bitter taste was regarded popularly as febrifuge, but this effect is well documented.
This plant is indicated in trouble pituitary source of hyperthyroidism, diabetes and disorders of menopause. As external use has been used for healing wounds and sores (vulnerary effect). However, it has a contraindication very logical operation in cases of low thyroid hormone, ie problems of hypothyroidism. Anyway, although it is highly toxic, its use should be under medical surveillance, which is always the best way to prevent unintended effects on any medication.
Infusion. Prepared from a teaspoon of the plant, duly cut and dried, per cup. Once prepared the tea, you can take the order of 3 cups a day.
Tincture. A rate of 30 drops of tincture Bugleweed, three times a day. The preparation of this formula is best left to authorized personnel. What one can do way home is to extract the juice of fresh plant and consume in quantity of 2-3 cc., 2 times a day.
Lavados. In douches can be used 30 gr. Plant per liter of water. It is cooked for a while and does the washing, warm water once.
FAMILY: Labiatae
HABITAT: Stream bank
PART USED: Whole plant
CASTILIAN: Pie de lobo, pata de lobo
CATALAN: Peu de llop
BASQUE: Lekuzi-belarr
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.