The wild wonder is an annual plant. There are cases in which the herb may be biennial, but it is very rare. It can reach two feet in height. Its branches are usually lying, but sometimes we can find a plant with upright branches. Its leaves are of two types: the lower corner shaped, and superiors who do not have this form and are somewhat hairy.
This plant is cultivated in all types of farmland. It is found in most of the country.
The wonderful wild flowers in spring. In areas that are set blooming in winter, and bloom all summer cover in mountainous areas. The flower heads can reach 2 cm. In diameter, of which the fruit emerges, with a characteristic curved shape. This plant gives off a rather unpleasant odor.
The composition of the wonder wild is unknown, but given the vast similarities of this plant with the wonder of the gardens, it is believed that the composition of both should be very similar.
It is known that this plant is more active than others of the same family, so it is generally preferred to use the wonder sivestre. It is used virtually the entire plant. One of its most popular virtues is related to the periods: when they are too heavy, the marvel wild acts directly regulated. In addition, you can prepare as concentrated as desired, because the plant is not toxic. It is also good medicine when menstruation does not carry a normal course.
Another virtue well known among rural people is the use of the wonder-specifically wild-cutting leaves blood spills encountered in a wound.
Tincture. It is the most common. They hold the flowers and take away the bracts and the receptacle. The tincture is prepared with 100 g of flowers and 0.5 l. Alcohol. Is introduced into a bottle, cover tightly and marinate for a week has. After this time, the liquid is filtered first by a canvas and later by a role. Once done, you can take as you like. For example, 10 g of tincture diluted in water with sugar and taken three times daily.
FAMILY: Composite tubulifloras
HABITAT: Places uncultured
PART USED: Chapters floral
CASTILIAN: Maravilla de los campos
CATALAN: Calendula silvestre, llevagat
GALICIAN: Erva-vaqueira, pampillo
Fort Emenagogo, Healing Moderate, Mild peripheral vasodilator.
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.