Its name comes from Greek: althea means "care", which gives an idea of the healing properties of this plant and its knowledge since ancient times.
Can be found on the banks of rivers, including saline water and in general wherever there is moisture in abundance.
The plant has a strong stem, which at times can reach up to two meters, although it is normal to slow down to around three feet high. This gives a whitish stem the large number of hairs you have, like the rest of the plant, and each year die out a new one.
Flowering occurs in summer, particularly in the months of June to September.
To collect the roots will have to wait until the plant has at least two years and from 1 to 2 inches thick. To proceed to use intense brushing is done in order to remove any dirt, then scraping the bark until it turns a white color, this operation must be done dry, as the marshmallow root is very hygroscopic, ie, that retains water easily, which can spoil the product. For this reason the drying is carried out in the sun, dry spot, previously cut the root in small portions.
If the party collecting the leaves, should be made after the occurrence of the flowering of the plant if you want to collect the flowers, obviously should be conducted during the flowering season.
Due to the abundant presence of mucilage (35% of the total weight of roots), it has emollient properties, anti-inflammatory, laxative and antitussive, so its use is indicated in the processes of mucosal irritation, digestive and respiratory and as gastritis, enteritis, peptic ulcer, stomatitis, colds and bronchitis.
As a mild laxative in cases of constipation, and also for their emollient qualities, is indicated for abscesses and boils.
Infusion of marshmallow leaves. Four grams per cup, infuse for ten minutes, take about three cups a day.
Syrup. At 2%, about four tablespoons per day.
For external use. It uses the infusion of leaves and flowers, some fifty grams per liter of water, and applied with pads on the abscesses. In gingivitis and pharyngitis, is given as a mouthwash or gargle.
For decoction of the roots, about thirty grams per liter of water, apply equally to the infusion of leaves and flowers.
The root is associated with other species such as coltsfoot, mullein, and licorice, as a good cough suppressant.
FAMILY: Malvaceae
PART USED: Root, flowers and leaves
CATALAN: Malví, altea
BASQUE: Malbabizku, zigiboilla
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.