Biennial or perennial plant that grows on rural land, roadsides, fences ... Develop more easily in some places the height above sea level.
It has a stalk from the second year becomes somewhat woody. The leaves are divided into at least five lobes, each of which has in turn with the serrated edge.
In ancient times it was used as food, as cooked vegetables, and even today is still useful in some Arab countries, although it is quite tasteless.
Flowering occurs in spring and summer, producing flowers of a deep purple-pink, traversed by darker veins. They have numerous stamens.
The collection is made in the months before flowering when the plant is fully grown, dried as quickly as possible and provided with proper ventilation. In some cases they may appear a few small brown spots on leaves, these are due to the emergence of a fungus-quite common in this species, which spoils the product, as with the appearance of these spots should discard any leaves that possesses them.
To collect the flowers have to operate the plant in bloom during the months of June and July, drying quickly on stove or in the shade at 36 grados CelsiusC, thus achieving a beautiful blue color, ensuring a drying conditions.
The flowers contain high amounts of mucilage-like leaves, which can reach up to a quarter of the total weight of the plant because it has laxative qualities that arise through the formation of a bolus-generated by the mucilage expanded through the water, which facilitates intestinal transit.
Also acts as an emollient and soothing, so it is used for colds, bronchitis, pharyngitis, asthma, flu-like processes and stomatitis.
It also has vitamins A, B1, B2 and C.
Overall, there are slight diuretic activities, so it is used in cases of oliguria, cystitis and obesity.
Decoction. Three grams of leaves and dried flowers mauve added to 300 milliliters of boiling water, leaving it in this situation for three minutes, after which it is allowed to cool for ten minutes. It is filtered and can take up to a total of four times a day.
Fresh plant juice. Directly extracted, applied to the skin inflamed from insect bites, thereby relieving the area.
Decoction external use. It is prepared with forty grams of leaves and flowers, which add about a quart of boiling water for fifteen minutes. Used as a mouthwash to gargle, eye baths, douches ...
FAMILY: Malvaceae
HABITAT: In mountainous areas roads
FLOWERING: Spring and summer
PART USED: Leaves and flowers
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.