St. Mary's wort is a perennial plant, of which throw new shoots in spring. Strain has a strong, horizontally branched, with numerous roots that emerge from the rhizome. The stem is angular, with some grooves, and the leaves are sustained for a long corner. The upper leaves are small appendages at the base of the stem and the youngest are completely covered with a short hair and satin, which diminish as they become adults.
One grows in orchards and gardens, feral and in any soil not too dry. It is native to Asia Minor.
It is an herb that can be seen in summer. When you get blooms this time and becomes an adult, staying the entire flowering season. Then with the coming of autumn is collected until the following spring. Harvesting for medicinal purposes sumidad interested in florida. Once collected, it must be dried and stored tightly to avoid loss of its active principles.
St. Mary's wort contains an essential oil in concentrations not exceeding 1%. This essential oil is little studied, but is suspected of carvone.
Among the most significant pharmacological actions at the grassroots level, which is the most famous is exerted on the intestinal worms. By all accounts, this herb, managed properly, get paralyze the vital activity of the worms and, although he does not end his life, greatly facilitates their expulsion if combined with a purgative. Other actions attributed to him is to download the liver, ie acting as a choleretic. Finally, it facilitates menstruation when this is delayed too. However, these actions are not studied everything they should, should therefore be handled with care. Thus it is known that can cause nervous disorders and gastrointestinal, and even prove abortive. This is sufficient for its use is left to professionals, because at present there are better remedies, especially for expelling intestinal worms.
Powder. They are used for 2 to 4 g. Micronized grass properly. This dose should be repeated as optional criteria, on which are necessary and should be followed by the administration of a purgative.
Infusion. Just one dessert spoon per cup of boiling water. It takes the ratio of one cup per day, preferably on an empty stomach.
FAMILY: Composite tubulifloras
HABITAT: Asia Minor, Persia
PART USED: Sumidad florida
CASTILIAN: Balsamita, hierba romana
CATALAN: Menta de Santa María
GALICIAN: Sepreverde
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.