The herb St. Robert is a herbaceous annual or biennial, with its hairy stem, branched, which are inserted in alternate leaves, its flowers are raised in pairs, due to the presence of long stalks. The most striking feature of this herb is the unpleasant odor given off when squeezing any part of the plant. According to some, it smells like goat, although the majority believe that smells like urine of someone who has eaten asparagus.
It is a plant that grows anywhere in the country, provided that it is a dark and humid place. It is easy to find among the rocks, in gullies and at the foot of the cliffs.
The herb flowers from April, and even earlier in certain areas of the south. We are interested in harvesting the leaves and stems. To do this, you are advised to await the moment of maximum flowering. It is important to carry gloves because the juice of the plant is vesicant, ie it can produce blisters. Once collected, it is left in the shade, in well-ventilated place or drier, with a maximum temperature of 35 grados CelsiusC.
The stems and leaves of this plant contain tannins in high concentration, up to 35%. Additionally, we found an essential oil, geraniol, a bitter principle, the geraniina, and some organic acids such as malic acid or citric acid. The nauseating smell of the plant is due to an essence that is volatilized and lost when it comes to drying.
Tannins give the plant an astringent, hemostatic, diuretic and general tonic. From these properties particularly benefits children's medicine, it is not irritating or unpleasant tastes. For its diuretic effect has applications in treatment of urinary calculi and kidney.
Importantly, the essence of this plant, like any other substance should not be used in high doses because it can cause nerve disorders or allergic phenomena.
Decoction. For inflammation of the mouth and throat. Boil 60 g. Grass leaves in 1 l. Water, filter the liquid and sweetened to taste of each. With the mix are gargle 3 or 4 times a day.
Poultice. For the healing of sores and ulcers. Directly apply the fresh leaves, washed and crushed. Sold with gauze and renewing the sheets 2 times a day.
Essence. From 2 to 5 drops, 3 times a day, implemented on a lump of sugar, alcoholic or oily solution.
Herb tea. For gargling or applying directly to skin wounds. This is poured 1 / 4 l. Of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of grass is allowed to cool, strained and drunk a cup 2 times a day.
Pharmacy can be found in simple presentations of the grass, so the essential oil as the fluid extract. There is also a compound presentation.
FAMILY: Geraniaceae
HABITAT: Among the stones of the walls
PART USED: Stems and leaves
CASTILIAN: Hierba de San Roberto
CATALAN: Poteta de Gall, gerani Pudent
BASQUE: Zangogorri, moko Belarr
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.