Herb belonging to the family of Labiatae. As its name implies, its growth is trailing, sprawling on the floor. Interestingly, the branches will take steep flower grow to a foot high. The leaves are opposite, 2 at each node. The flowers are borne in the axils of the leaves, two or three at each node, and all thrown to one side.
The ivy grows in hardwood forests, especially in the deciduous-throughout the Pyrenees and surrounding areas. It also occurs in the Cantabrian mountain range.
Flowering ground ivy occurs from March, through the spring. Collection of interest throughout the flowering plant. To proceed young shoots are cut and cleaned thoroughly, removing any mulch and possible parasites that could house. Quickly is dried in thin layers, in the shade or drier at temperature not exceeding the human body, ie about 36 grados CelsiusC.
We found a bitter principle, the marrubiin addition of small amounts of substance (not a very fragrant plant). It also contains tannins, choline and certain phenolic acids as caffeic and chlorogenic.
The marrubiin is responsible for the action fluidizer of mucous secretions, by making it more liquid these secretions, are more easily eliminated, and therefore exerts an expectorant action. Tannin gives an astringent and vulneraria activity. This virtue to heal sores and wounds (vulnerary), is recognized by the French and which is reflected in its "codex". Finally, phenolic acids exert an antiseptic function. Is indicated for colds, pharyngitis, bronchitis, colitis, asthma, wounds and boils. It has also been popularly used as a sedative, anti-diarrhea and urinary infections. Currently, the use of this herb has been relegated to folk medicine, but in the medieval era was widely used throughout Europe. There is a plant that has undesirable side effects, at least in the usual doses, what happens is that nowadays we have better remedies to treat respiratory symptoms. This is why this plant and many others have fallen somewhat into oblivion.
Infusion. Discharged 20 gr. Plant in 1 gallon of boiling water 10 minutes after the liquid is filtered and drinks sweetened with a little honey.
Squeezed juice. Collect a bunch of fresh young leaves, washed with water, air-dried for several minutes and then ground in a mortar to extract the liquid. To recover all the juice possible, the leaves are collected on a cloth and drained to the max. The liquid obtained is given in doses of 30 gr. Day.
Fluid extract. 15-25 drops, 2 times a day.
Tinctures. With 500 gr. Plant freshly caught and 600 gr. Of alcohol at 90 grados CelsiusC. Allow to macerate for a week. Subsequently sneaks alcohol and the residue is squeezed tightly. It is given a rate of 2 tablespoons of coffee per day in chronic bronchitis.
FAMILY: Labiatae
HABITAT: Thick forests of northern
PART USED: Sumidad florida
CASTILIAN: Hierba terrestre
CATALAN: Hedra de terra
BASQUE: Amuntz
GALICIAN: Herba dos bolos
Fort Expectorant, Antiseptic Moderate, Astringency.
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.