The Bladdemut is a medium shrub, classified within the legume family. It is mainly characterized by being highly branched, with leaves composed of 3 to 5 pairs of chips between ovate and elliptical shape and a similarly odd leaf in the end. The flowers are yellow and grouped in small axillary clusters. The fruit of this plant is very peculiar-shaped bladder, parched and hanging, and can measure up to 5 cm. Long and 3 wide.
It usually breed in dense forests, especially in the calcareous mountains of almost the entire country.
It blooms from May to June depending on the geographical area where he is. For medicinal purposes interested in the leaves and seeds. The flavor of the leaves is very unpleasant, as predominant an intense bitterness that makes it difficult to .- Infusion. From the leaves can make a tea with laxative effects. The problem with this formula is to mask the strong bitter. We recommend the use of high quantities of honey and lemon added to the infusion once warm. The infusion should be taken fasting. Tion at any dosage form. This and that it is a toxic, rapidly made fall into oblivion, as discussed below.
In principle, as we noted in the preceding paragraph, the plant is not Bladdemut highly recommended for home use. Of composition little can be said, since not been studied in depth. Only we know the existence of a bitter principle in the leaves, which is similar to cytisine, a common compound in many species of this family. The reason it has not delved into her study appears to be due to the limited applications it has in our days as though it is considered purgative and emetic doses required to exert these effects are quite high, which appear before the toxic effects. In the past, this species was intended to replace the sin, but certainly as a purgative is far more secure employment sen because of its undesirable effects are minor, like therapeutic doses. To this we must add that the taste of the leaves is very unpleasant and very difficult to mask. Therefore, "unless you do not have any other choice-you just forget about this plant.
The Bladdemut not known in antiquity. Many years passed before they began to be recognized and even then warned of the potential adverse effects, recommending the use of other better-performing plants that were less harmful.
Infusion. From the leaves can make a tea with laxative effects. The problem with this formula is to mask the strong bitter. We recommend the use of high quantities of honey and lemon added to the infusion once warm. The infusion should be taken fasting.
FAMILY: Legumes
HABITAT: Limestone mountains
FLOWERING: May and June
PART USED: Leaves and seeds
CASTILIAN: Espantazorras
CATALAN: Espantallops
BASQUE: Ixara otso
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.