Figwort is a perennial herb, square stem and opposite leaves that can reach a considerable height if you find good conditions for their development. The stem is topped by a panicle of small flowers in the form of reddish-brown vesicles. It is a plant that thrives in relatively moist areas, such as oak or beech. In the Peninsula can be found throughout the Cantabrian mountain range and in various country's northern mountains.
This plant was claimed many virtues, but mostly used to combat the scrofulous, hence its name.
The grass flowers in summer. Harvesting can be done from May to September and the parts that are most useful, from a medical standpoint, are the rhizome and the leaves, once collected both, are placed outside to dry and then stored in places away from light.
Leaves appear in various acids, among which include cafetánico acid, cinnamic acid and butyric acid. They also contain flavonoids, an anthraquinone and saponin, the latter are present throughout the plant except the roots.
Currently attributed to plant virtues such as being a good laxative-by-anthraquinone, anti-inflammatory-by-glycosides and some authors also recognize hypoglycemic and diuretic properties. In ancient times it was used mainly to combat the scrofulous, ie those that open suppurating abscesses in the skin, usually as a side effect of tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, and also to cure goiters and hemorrhoids, and all kinds tumors. This very particular use was probably due to the small "tumors" that appear in the strain of the plant that our ancestors led to believe that the plant had some virtues that made it particularly effective against all types of malformations tumor. Today is recognized for some virtues to the plant to ease the pain of hemorrhoids, and to wash certain ulcers, but its earliest uses have already been relegated.
Infusion. Prepare an infusion of the plant to about 3%, after letting it stand for 15-20 minutes, take a rate of 2-3 cups a day. This infusion is used to treat swollen glands, festering wounds and ulcers.
Juice of the plant. Applied directly on ulcers and hemorrhoids, reduces inflammation and relieves pain.
cooking. 15-20 gr. Plant per liter of water, simmer for 15 minutes. This preparation can be used in the form of sitz baths against hemorrhoids.
FAMILY: Escrofulariaceas
HABITAT: Pyrenees and Cantabrian mountains
PART USED: Rhizome. Leaves and tops
CASTILIAN: Hierba de lamparones
CATALAN: Setge, herba dels humors freds
BASQUE: Belarrbelz
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.