Biennial plant, meaning that only generates reproductive organs (flowers) from the second year of life, what happens is that you can live apart some more seasons. For the leaves of the bases, born in the first year of his life, gets its common name of "herb of the spoons", as they present a petiole longer than usual, finished in a rounded leaf shape that resembles a spoon.
In the second year, after fully developed, can reach a maximum height of thirty inches.
At one time this plant was cultivated for its vitamin C, but today their development is limited to rocky areas with plenty of water. It is very often found in northern Europe.
Flowering occurs from March onwards, giving white flowers, very fragrant and form clusters, which are located in the upper stem.
The fruit is rounded.
Harvesting should be done after flowering, since what is used in this case is the flowering plant. It is also common to use the fresh plant for its vitamin C was consumed in salads in some countries.
The flowering plant contains alkaloids as glucococlearósido sulforosos, which subsequently released butyl istiocianato following a hydrolysis reaction.
Its use as an antiinflammatory and facilitates eupeptic slow digestion. Applied externally redness and vasodilation in the area, it acts as rubefaciente, as used in rheumatic conditions. It also contains vitamin C, hence been used as an antiscorbutic.
Tincture. Stems and leaves are cut into pieces and mash, adding alcohol below 90 degrees and letting it marinate for a week. After this time, filters, used to make hints about mouth ulcers. For the treatment of inflamed gums can begin with the pure dye, juggling on them, or prepare a dilution with five grams of the tincture in half a glass of water for rinsing with the liquid obtained.
Fresh plant juice. It used 75 grams a day of this juice for its high content of vitamin C to treat scurvy and also for their digestive action.
Infusion. Five grams of the flowering plant, crushed, added to 200 milliliters of water and boiled and still warm, thus keeping ten minutes. You can take this produced two cups a day before the main meals a day. The fluid used for gargling and as a mouthwash in the treatment of pharyngitis and stomatitis.
FAMILY: Crucifer
HABITAT: Sandy soils and humid
PART USED: Flowering plant
CASTILIAN: Hierba de cucharas
CATALAN: Cocleària
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.