The clinopodio is a perennial plant belonging to the large family of Labiatae. Born from a strain creeping and slender stems, 2 to 3 feet high, are thin at the base and are joining as they ascend. The leaves are supported by a short stem and are toothed at the edges, the flowers are clustered in several knobs rounded, superimposed on the top joints of the stems. Both the flowers and the tops of clinopodio mint flavored, but not very intense.
It usually breed in sparse woods of oak and oak as well as in hedges and banks of most of the country.
The clinopodio flowers from June onwards. Collection of interest for medicinal leaves and flowering tops. The best time to harvest is in July when the plant is at full bloom. Tops are uprooted and are dried in the shade or drying, at temperatures not too high.
The composition of this plant is almost entirely unknown, as only recognized the presence of stachyose, a useless substance from a medical standpoint.
This herb is used to tone the stomach when it is dropped. Is considered to have antispasmodic properties, ie controlling disorderly movements of the intestine. Has also been used to induce or assist in the adjustment period. In external use is considered a good antiseptic for wounds and injuries, similar to savory, other related plants.
Infusion. One tablespoon of ground, properly cut, added to a cup of boiling water. You can drink three cups a day after the main meals.
Tincture. It is traditionally prepared and administered at 30 drops three times daily.
Infusion external use. The same infusion that described for internal use (but more concentrated) may be used as compresses or washed, as an antiseptic to ulcers and wounds.
Wine. You can prepare a medicinal wine as follows: are caught about 30 g. Of the plant and get to soak in a liter of white wine, preferably it is from Jerez, once beyond the period of maceration, filtered and bottled. The dose is usually a drink after a meal or two at most.
FAMILY: Labiatae
HABITAT: Forests little thick
PART USED: Leaf, sumidad florida
CATALAN: Clinopodi, orenga borda
Fort Antispasmodic, Digestive Moderate, Mild antiseptic.
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.