It is a perennial plant that usually measured three to four feet high. Its leaves are divided into segments and have jagged edges, the base is formed by two triangular gores that hug the stem, the flowers are yellow and are grouped in clusters of four or five. By splitting the stems or leaves can be seen flowing latex.
The lock is originally from the Middle East and Eastern Europe. In Spain can be found throughout the territory, mainly in orchards and slopes. They can grow anywhere on the banks of a river, in the area near the seashore as in the mountains 2,000 meters high.
The lock is a plant that can flower almost all year round. The fruits are small, brownish, and their skin is very thin with many wrinkles.
The plant collection is made in autumn and is performed by parts, the leaves being the first to be harvested and then move to collect the root.
They are stored in the shade, which is expected to dry, then aerate the leaves and root are quickly exposed to the sun.
The leaves and stems of the lock inside contain a substance called latex, which contains fitosferina; the rest of its component is known very little.
May apply as a poultice on the stomach and infected wounds with pus. The juice of this plant is a good remedy for stomach aches.
Formerly it was common to prepare water of thistles in every pharmacy, and was used against all types of ailments. But from the eighteenth century began to think this developed unhelpful, so he stopped being used.
The thistles also have laxative, diuretic, and digestive cleansing.
Some sowthistle leaves are edible, especially the more tender. Can be used raw, as a substitute for lettuce in the salad, or cooked as any vegetable.
Infusion. He begins to boil some water and then add leaves and roots of sowthistle. We recommend a cup before each meal.
Decoction. Cooked a handful of leaves of sowthistle, slips and cool the preparation. Drinking three cups a day.
Plaster. Apply a poultice (made from the leaves of sowthistle) on the affected part of the wound.
Juice. Preparing the root of thistles proper, ie grinding and roasting, you can make a beverage similar to coffee.
Lunch. The leaves can be eaten raw in salads or cooked as a vegetable.
FAMILY: Composite ligulifloras
HABITAT: Gardens and slopes
PART USED: Latex and air sumidad
BASQUE: Astaurraza
GALICIAN: Serralha
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.