The elegant cherry tree, which can reach up to 15 m. High. When young presents a smooth, gray bark, which it will become rough and cracked to grow up. The leaves are oval, with hairs on the underside and doubly toothed edges; fall in winter, turning out the following year. The flowers are hermaphrodite and are grouped in umbels without a common peduncle. The fruit is delicious cherry, technically called drupes; is more or less red color, firm flesh, juicy and sweet to taste.
The cherry tree grows wild throughout the country and is cultivated for its fruits as tasty, and there are many varieties.
The cherry blossoms from March to June in more sheltered regions. The fruits are ready to eat from mid-June. Folk medicine uses the stalks of the fruits, which are collected and dried with moderate heat to prevent discolouration.
As mentioned above, there are countless varieties of cherry, so the composition changes from one to another. In general, one can say that they are rich in invert sugar. They also contain small amounts of salicylic acid, tannic substances, pectin and a red dye called queracianina. Also listed some potassium salts. In the seed oil is fat, essence and some traces of toxins such as hydrocyanic acid. The composition of sour cherries is similar, with an increase in the concentration of some organic acids.
As food cherries are very healthy and digestive. It is a fruit typical of early summer, desirable at any time of day. Some authors recommend it especially guzzlers insatiable, they can take all they want with no experience more effect than a mild diarrhea. As for its medicinal virtues include a marked diuretic effect, partly because the mineral salts are rich in potassium, and partly by the flavonoids. Salicylic Derivatives properties conferred on the cherry febrifuge, analgesic and antirheumatic. Also has a mild laxative effect, which increases depending on the dose.
Formerly employed cherry seed, until the growing number of poisonings led to think that could be toxic. As discussed, contain hydrogen cyanide. The tree resin, diluted with vinegar, was used to cure skin rashes due to its bactericidal properties. The bees take advantage of this resin used as cement to plug the cracks in the honeycomb.
From this tree it is logical to take their delicious fruit, freshly caught in jam or in the form of brandy. However, there are some home preparations, as we shall see below.
Tisane. From the corners of cherries, it caught 30 gr. And boiled in a liter of water. This tea should drink in abundance, to achieve a pronounced diuretic effect.
Extract. 20-30 drops, four times a day.
FAMILY: Rosaceae
HABITAT: Mountains of the Peninsula
PART USED: Peduncles of the fruits
CASTILIAN: Cerezo de monte
CATALAN: Cirerer, cirer
BASQUE: Kerizondo
GALICIAN: Cereixeira
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.