The onion belongs to the lily family, which includes over 3,000 species spread throughout most of the globe is a perennial plant, bulb, which can reach up to four feet high. The bulb is large, rounded or depressed, depending on the variety, and is covered Binz which can be white or red wine. The leaves are rounded, blue-green tones, and the flowers are arranged in a bouquet globular, umbel-shaped. The fruits of the onion are tiny capsules filled with thin black seeds.
The plant is not native to our country. It comes from Asia, supposedly from the area between Palestine and India.
The plant flowers in summer, between July and August. Their collection can be carried out by hand or machine, once made, are left to dry the bulbs in rows, and then cleaned, sorted and stored in a dry place protected from frost.
Undoubtedly, onion occupies a prominent place in both Spanish and foreign cuisine. It is an essential ingredient in many traditional dishes. But in addition to its culinary virtues, has also enjoyed great esteem as a home remedy for many ills. This has served to treat asthma, ascites, hypertension, migraine, rheumatism, tuberculosis, etc.
In the composition of onion bulb alilpropilo disulfide appears, along with other sulfur compounds which are those that give this plant its most important virtues. One of its most popular features is the tear effect of its essence, we all have ever had. It also contains various sugars that are very important as they enhance their qualities condimenticias; also rich in vitamins A, B and C.
For their sugars have diuretic effect, which is reinforced by the presence of other structures called flavonoids, which also have anti-inflammatory action. Its essence is hypoglycemic, antiseptic and reduces cholesterol. They are also known his actions hypotensive, anthelmintic, febrifuge and anti-rheumatic.
The fresh onion actively relieves the affections of the upper airways, especially coughs and colds. In addition, sulfur compounds that we mentioned before, has a strong antibiotic effect and disinfectant, so it is used for certain gastric and intestinal disorders. Curious is also its use as relief from insect bites, when fresh, for it is crushed and applied locally.
There is no seasoning, besides the garlic that is healthier than the onion, either raw, fried or boiled.
Juice. Implemented in the form of friction on the scalp, with fresh juice or alcoholic tincture, favors the rise of the hair and preventing hair loss.
Decoction 5% three or more times a day.
Tincture. 20 to 35 drops, 3 times a day.
Dry matter.
Pharmacy can be found in the juice extract to master formulas, capsule, and also the essential oil.
FAMILY: Liliaceae
FLOWERING: In summer
PART USED: The bulb
CASTILIAN: Cebolla, cebo
BASQUE: Kipula, Kinpula
Fort Hipotensor, Diuretic Moderate, Mild inflammatory.
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.