The cayeput is a tree belonging to the family Myrtaceae, which is characterized by regular flowers, five petals, numerous stamens and the rudiment of the fruit below the flower. The nature of the fruit can be quite variable in this family. It consists of about 2800 species, predominantly in hot countries, shrubs or trees that are counted among the highest in the world. Usually the leaves are born couples, ie two pairs in each node, one in front of another, and have numerous and tiny deposits of highly aromatic scents, like fruits.
The cayeput flowers in spring. Interesting collection of leaves, rich in substance. Should be collected when the tree is still blooming, or just when you are opening
flowers, coinciding this time in the spring. This essence is very aromatic,
so care must be storage conditions to preserve as much of the same.
The cayeput leaves contain tannin, resin, bitter substances and especially an essential oil: it is a greenish yellow liquid, pleasant odor, which is composed mainly of pinene, cineol, dipentene, a hydrocarbon, and Myrtenol mirtol . In general all plants in this family are extremely rich in substance, and this is of similar composition throughout.
Tannins give the plant astringent properties. The substance has a strong antiseptic and antibiotic, according to various studies comparable to penicillin and other antibiotics of similar spectrum of action. It is also an expectorant, eupeptic, hemostatic, gastrointestinal and slightly sedative. Applied externally rubefacients properties.
In conclusion, it is worth remembering that this is an essence, so care must be taken not to apply large doses to children, the possible occurrence of allergic reactions. It is best to let advice from a medical professional or pharmacist.
Decoction. In one liter of boiled water 20 g. Leaves for five minutes, filtering the liquid, sweetened with honey and take six tablespoons per day until resolved bronchial inflammation.
Infusion. Prepared from a tablespoon per cup of coffee, corresponding to 15 g. Of fresh plant per liter of water. You can drink three cups a day.
Essence. 1 to 2 drops three times daily before meals. The essence can also be applied as an aerosol, or inhalation. This should be done before a tolerance test, to rule out possible allergic reactions.
FAMILY: Myrtaceae
HABITAT: Hot countries
PART USED: Sheets (essence)
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.