Milk thistle is a very vigorous plant and decorative, which can reach a height of five feet. Has a thick branching resulting in a rosette of oval leaves, 30 cm. Long, surrounded by irregular teeth and bones leathery, bright green, traversed by white nerves. The flower head is large, with outer bracts tipped with a stout spine. The flowers are pink and the inner stamens are welded into a single beam.
One grows in uncultivated places, on the edge of footpaths and roads throughout the country, more abundant in the south.
It blooms in May and June. It reproduces by means of the fruits, called achenes, these are planted in fall directly into the ground. Germination takes place a week later. In high mountain regions, plants sown in spring bloom within the year, but the fruits fail to ripen, so he prefers to do the sowing in autumn. The seeds are planted in rows, separated from each other about 60 cm. The question that concerns for therapeutic purposes is the fruit (achene). For harvesting the flower heads are first cut and then drop the achenes.
The fruits contain oils albuminoids tannins and a bitter principle. Furthermore, in its composition are also flavo-lignans as silymarin and other related compounds. Actions have snacks, cholagogue, protective action on the liver, digestive action, diuretic and antipyretic. In the cooking of ground fruits were found various amines such as histamine, tyramine and Agmatine. For these compounds we have studied the possibility of using fruit in people with low blood pressure, to avoid sudden pressure drops. In external use milk thistle is used to relieve hemorrhoids, varicose veins and leg ulcers.
Infusion. One teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Let it settle a bit and taken before meals. The fruits are crushed or ground before. The dosage of these can be increased if desired, since they are completely nontoxic. Alone is not recommended for people suffering from hypertension, the presence of tyramine.
Extract. If we start from the fluid extract, is used at a rate of 30-50 drops, 3 times a day. Also available is the dry, being able to take 0.5 to 1 gr. Day.
In the pharmaceutical market has many specialties that contain milk thistle, either alone or in combination with other plants. Among simple presentations included the alcohol solution, capsule, planta cut, tablets, extracts and tablets.
FAMILY: Composite tubulifloras
HABITAT: Roads uncultured
CASTILIAN: Cardo de María, mariana
CATALAN: Escoardot de nostra senyora
BASQUE: Maria`ren khardia
Fort Colagogo, Digestive Moderate, Antipyretic Leve.
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.