The marine cabbage is a plant that develops underground stems lot of white. These stems have numerous strands, which born the stems that develop on the surface and can reach up to three feet high. Of those born red leaf stalks, supported by a very long corner, are quite thick, a kidney-shaped and lack any type of hair covering. The main feature of this plant is to have two leaves that appear next to the chalice, which is almost hidden by them.
The sea cabbage grows in the sandy sea. It is in the whole area in Peninsular and Balearic Islands.
This plant begins flowering in May and lasts all summer. It often ends in autumn, but sometimes it does in winter. Their funnel-shaped flowers are pale pink and quite often have four to five inches long. The leaves that cover and conceal the chalice are born on the same basis of this.
The part that is collected is extended through the sand, known as rhizomes. It is white and has the same color juice, salt and bitter taste.
The main component of sea kale is a resin that has the same properties as the "ipomoea oryzabensis.
The best known under the plant under study is to be a great laxative, but can sometimes be quite irritating. Also used to cure paralysis, dropsy and rheumatism, for having to evacuate the facility serosidades.
Formerly a marine cabbage was known as a plant very sharp and very harmful to the stomach, but if you ate cooked belly relaxed dramatically.
Powder. The rhizome is used. The plant has to be dry, because in this way is far less. It is used to combat rheumatism and paralysis.
Juice. Juice is extracted from the rhizome. The grass must be fresh and as varied as we use in soups or not.
You can add cinnamon or other corrective, and thus becomes a great purge.
FAMILY: Crucifer
HABITAT: Atlantic and Mediterranean
FLOWERING: March or April
PART USED: Sheets of fresh plant
CASTILIAN: Berza amarga
CATALAN: Coleta de mar
Fort antiscorbutic, Moderate Vulnerary, Healing Light.
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.