The balm of Montseny is a herb belonging to the family Saxifragaceae, characterized primarily by being more or less viscous or sticky pads grow into dense reddish. If closer examination is found that consists of a large number of long twigs intertwined and fragile, which retain withered old leaves of other years, one above the other, but spaced differently. Take a few bunches of white flowers, few in number, each with five petals and ten stamens.
It breeds in the crevices of rocks, slate, without any lime at altitudes not exceeding 1000 m.
According to the height and orientation of the plant, flowering from May onwards. We found that bloom even in July. From the collection we are left with the whole plant. This grass there are two distinct breeds: the real "San Segimon herba" grass that forms loose because the branches are not crowded too, in this strain the lower leaves, ie those that are on the outside of the rosettes-are also divided into three segments, but the two lateral segments are subdivided in two others. On the other caste or form lawns pads tighter, with the rosettes so tight that leave no spaces in between, and the leaves are smaller, with shorter tails and broad. Both species are equally soothing and aromatic. Harvesting should be carried out when the plant is about to bloom or already with the first flowers open, when has a higher viscosity.
The chemical composition of this plant is completely ignored. In folk medicine used as soothing to fight colds and coughs. Rather is a plant used in areas close to their natural habitat, but to live alone in the Montseny area, is known only in Catalonia, especially around the mountain and Barcelona. Therefore only have benefited from this herb the inhabitants of those places.
cooking. Boil a handful of the herb in 1 / 2 l. Water, no more than three minutes and remove from heat. It is sweetened with sugar and eaten hot, as many cups as you want because there are no known side effects.
Infusion. Some recommend preparing a simple infusion, ie, put the same amount of water to boil and when it comes to a boil, remove from heat and add the herb. It seems that in this way gives better results.
FAMILY: Saxifragaceas
HABITAT: Among rocks without lime del Montseny (Cataluña)
PART USED: Whole plant
CATALAN: Herba de Sant Segimon
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.