The lily is a beautiful herbaceous plant with a scaly bulb large, white stems do not usually exceed one meter high and it is coated all leaves, some spread around and other erect, with lanceolate shape and wavy edges barely . The flowers form a terminal bouquet are white. This plant is characterized by its intense flavor that comes even intoxicating, especially at night.
It breeds mainly in gardens and containers because it is not a native plant it comes from the Middle East. Usually gives ornamental use.
This aromatic plant flowers from May onwards. For medicinal use the bulb is used together with the oil extracted from it. This bulb can be used either fresh or dried.
Composition of the lily is known very little. What is known for his study is that of the epidermis of bulbar scales can be extracted an oil whose composition is not defined. Perhaps the reason for that has not been studied in depth is that from very early employment given to this plant was purely ornamental. It is therefore not difficult to think that was a bit neglected the study of its composition. Has been popularly used as an emollient, and diuretic antieczematosa. In some old books were sent to prepare the oil with the same flowers lily plant (devoid of stamens) and with a little olive oil. This macerated for 3 days, after which it must draw the flowers and add new ones. This operation was repeated 3 times, finally getting the true oil of lilies which was used to heal burns, ulcers, pimples, eczema and in general, any skin disease.
It's not really a plant that is today known for its virtues, but like many others, is part of ancient traditions and should be included in the treaties on medicinal plants. Furthermore, perhaps tomorrow, when you delve into his study is possible to find some virtue unknown, or at least check some property of those already attributed to him.
In addition alleged healing properties, the lily has some applications in the field of cosmetics: it was found that in the bulb there are certain high power bioactivante extracts, used to regenerate skin. What is not in doubt is that, within the field of horticulture, is one of the most beautiful plants in nature.
Poultice. You must collect a lily bulb and, after cleaning with water, roasted over some ashes. Once grilled, cut into slices and applied hot on felons, warts and boils.
Oil. As we detailed in applications, this oil can be used to cure ulcers, abscesses, bruises, etc..
Infusion. Prepare an infusion of 3 gr. Bulb in 100 ml. Of boiling water. This tea is prepared and diuretic effects.
FAMILY: Liliaceae
HABITAT: Middle East
PART USED: Bulb and oil
CASTILIAN: Lirio blanco
CATALAN: Assutzena
BASQUE: Zitori
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.