The anagálide water is a perennial plant that usually measures 10 to 30 cm high, the stems grow along the ground as they rise slightly. From its roots grow knots which are divided into bunches and stems, hollow, square-shaped, these are fully covered with leaves, oval with serrated edges that attach directly to the stem and lacking a corner that hold .
This plant can be found throughout the Iberian Peninsula but is harder to find than others of the same family as the becabunga.
It breeds in areas with lots of water and sometimes grow in the water when it is not very deep.
It begins to bloom in April and continuing throughout the spring and summer.
The flowers are clustered in the leaf axils and are of a blue color that gives the plant a very attractive appearance, the corolla, like the cup is divided into four parts.
It collects the aerial parts of the plant and usually harvest time coincides with the flowering, since it is then when they are most active principles of the plant. It is worth taking the fresh plant as it is difficult to maintain after cutting.
Like other plants in your family has antiscorbutic and diuretic properties but their effects are quite mild, so it is usually replaced by other plants such as becabunga which also have stronger effects, more abundant in the Iberian Peninsula.
Sometimes also used as an aperitif before meals because it is very easy to prepare, in a salad for example.
Natural. It is worth taking the fresh air of this plant. After collecting it is washed and adding it is chopped into a salad, you can dress like lettuce.
Juice. Squeeze the fresh plant leaves collected, you can take juice or mixed with water and if the taste is not very nice you can add sugar or honey.
Syrup. Mix a pint of the juice of this plant with other plants, for example, Coclearia.
FAMILY: Escrofulariaceas
HABITAT: In shallow waters of the country
FLOWERING: Spring and summer
PART USED: Aerial part
CATALAN: Herba de folls
BASQUE: Igeberatxa
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.