The Alisma is a perennial plant of the family alismatáceas. This family consists of about 70 species of warm and temperate countries that are usually herbaceous and damp own. This plant has slightly thickened strain and the stem is upright, stiff and without leaves. Leaves directly boot from the strain, are sustained by long tails and are usually oval, heart shaped at the base. The flowers are small and are placed on long stalks that come from the same point of the stem and branch again to form a large bouquet.
It breeds in marshes, ponds and slow-moving water across the country.
Flowers in spring and summer, provided they find enough adequate moisture to their characteristics. Harvesting for medicinal purposes mainly interested in the leaves, which can boot over the year-even better if this is done when no plant has flowered, as this is the moment when the highest concentration in active ingredients has .
The alisma large amount of starch stored in the strain. This polysaccharide is found in highest concentration, but also contains many other sugars, resin, tannic substances and substance of pungent color disappears after the cooking process.
Both the leaves and the strain of alisma pharmacological applications can be found if used properly. Mainly species is considered astringent, anti-inflammatory and rubefacient, although in some towns where abundant are attributed to other properties but not worthy of comment. In reality it is a very active species from the medical point of view, or at least poorly studied in terms of its composition. Of all the species in this family, just know that is used for medicinal purposes the alisma, being discarded the rest of the plants of the family.
In some older books may find the following description: "the alisma (damasonio called by some) produces leaves similar to plantain, only more narrow, sloping toward the ground. Drink one or two drams (former measure of volume) of its root with wine, he helps those who swallowed some sea hare (small marine gastropod that secretes a toxic liquid).
Fresh leaves. The crushed fresh leaves and apply directly to the skin, causing severe inflammation.
FAMILY: Alismataceas
HABITAT: Reservoirs
FLOWERING: Spring and summer
CASTILIAN: Llantén acuático
CATALAN: Orella de llebre
BASQUE: Kukuso-belarr
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.