Barberry is a brambly shrub that can reach nearly three feet high. It belongs to the Berberidaceae family, which includes not more than 150 species distributed throughout temperate countries. It is a widespread plant in the foothills of the mountains and hills of the country, being especially numerous in the mountains that separate Aragon and Valencia in the mountains of Cuenca, curiously, to the West its presence is becoming increasingly scarce and Portugal scarcely be found.
The plant flowers in May and June. Primarily interested in the root (bark), leaves and fruit. Once the bark torn off, cleaned, dried-even the sun-up to remove residual moisture in drying at temperatures not exceeding 50 grados CelsiusC.
The whole plant, except the fruit contains a high percentage of alkaloids. The most abundant is berberine, along with berbamine and magnoflorine. The fruits are various sugars, citric acid, tartaric and rubber. The plant alkaloids are potentially toxic and therefore must exercise caution when using this facility. Berberine is a bitter tonic with substantial snacks and choleretic actions, the other alkaloids are also hypotensive action, antipyretic Cholagogues and the fruits are soft and have a slight laxative. They can be eaten fresh, canned or dried.
Structurally, the berberine is similar to morphine-the most important alkaloid of opium-and exerts actions are similar but not identical.
Dioscorides did not try this plant, either because she was not there on their long journeys, either because the therapeutic considered irrelevant, but it is described by other authors who attributed antipyretic properties.
Decoction. 50 gr. Barberry leaves in a liter of water a few minutes and stays cool. Can I drink during the day, to forward the fever. Also can be used as intestinal refreshing, preparing the infusion of the same form and with the same dosage.
Fluid extract. It is no use if no prescription. The approximate dose is 10-15 drops 2 times a day, but it is the doctor who must be dosed. Similarly we can find the dry.
Syrup. With ripe fruit syrup is prepared fresh, bittersweet flavor. This mature fruits are pressed to extract all the juice, strained and added to the juice of the other 2 parts sugar. Is bottled and stored in a cool place for 2 weeks, stirring occasionally. This syrup can be prepared delicious refreshments of an attractive red.
FAMILY: Berberidaceae
HABITAT: Mountainsides
FLOWERING: May and June
PART USED: Leaves, fruits and roots (bark)
CASTILIAN: Agracillo, vinagrera
CATALAN: Coralets, espina vineta
BASQUE: Garratx, isuxi garratz
Fort Colerético, Antipyretic Moderate, Mild laxative.
Important: The use of information on medicinal plants, without the minimum knowledge in dosage and descriptions can cause problems or side effects. You should always talk to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified personnel before taking herbs or medicinal plants. Take the texts and information such as single orientation for subsequent verification contrast and medical professionals. World Topic assumes no liability in connection with the material on the web.